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Digital Transformation in the Retail Industry: A Quick Overview

The concept of digital transformation has become extremely popular in recent years. This is because the world is going gaga over going digitization. Almost everything is going digital. It, no doubt, is making lives easier for the people. However, the advent of digitization in such a great scale means that it has been able to …

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Common Cyber Security Threats and the Best Ways to Keep Them at Bay

Almost every business across various industries and verticals are looking to embrace digital transformation these days. And it’s not without any reason. It’s true that the importance of going digital has increased manifold over the years. One of the main reasons behind this is that most of the consumers and customers are also moving toward …

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The Ultimate 10-Point Cyber Security Best Practices Checklist for Small Businesses

How difficult is it as an entrepreneur to run a small business? It’s not easy to comprehend for anyone who is not facing the challenges.  Yes, as an owner of a small business, you have to tread a path fraught with challenges. These include various types of obstacles that you need to overcome as a …

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Server Operating System Security

Commonly found servers run on a standard purpose OS. Many security issues can be avoided if the OS under the servers is configured correctly. Because manufacturers do not know the security requirements of each organization, server managers need to configure new servers to reflect the security needs of their organization and redesign them as those …

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Defining Threat Management Program

Many security teams face information divisions, which can lead to disagreements over security activities. And wherever they are, blind spots undermine the team’s ability to identify, protecting against responding to immediate security threats. Today’s dangers now include malicious computer programming, advanced progressive threats (APT), internal threats, and vulnerability to cloud-based computer services, beyond which antivirus …

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Cloud Workload Protection Platform

Cloud Workload Protection Platforms

The Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) is a “workload security solution that addresses the different protection requirements” of the load in today’s business environment. Tasks for modern environments include portable servers, virtual machines (VMs), containers, and non-server loads. In this area, the protection of cloud workloads is very important. After all, any business could be …

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cloud security

Security Roadmap in the Public Cloud

As cloud becomes the new “normal,” we must examine the suitability of using “traditional” on-premises security capabilities in the cloud, as well as learn new cloud security best practices, to ensure cloud services are incorporated into the business in a secure and repeatable process. Securing cloud services involves more than just implementing security controls extending …

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OT Security

OT Security Best Practices

The drive to improve operations efficiency, performance and quality of services is behind the interest to leverage elements of IT infrastructures (such as Internet Protocol [IP]-based communications) within OT environments. As physical and cyber befriend one another, so too must efficiency and security. The two need not be at odds, and in fact, companies should …

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Vulnerability Management

Achieving Effective Vulnerability Management for Midsize Enterprises

Vulnerability management is widely described as the practice of identifying security vulnerabilities in unpatched systems that if exploited by adversaries, can put your entire enterprise environment at risk. Typically, vulnerability management is a foundational practice, and an integral part of any standard cybersecurity initiative. However, constantly changing device demographics and increasing sophistication in cyberattack techniques, …

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Enterprise DLP solutions

Managing Key Obstacles to Success in Enterprise DLP Deployments

Enterprise DLP solutions represent a crucial means of protecting sensitive information from disclosure — whether intentional or inadvertent — and for identifying sensitive data assets that require such protection. There’s much to consider when it comes to building an enterprise DLP solution, from understanding where your data exists to proper data classification, accounting for shadow …

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