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Ransomware Risk Management: A Cybersecurity Framework Profile

Ransomware is a type of malicious attack in which attackers write down organization data and demand payment to restore access. Attackers may also steal organizational information and demand additional compensation for not disclosing information to authorities, competitors, or the public. This Ransomware profile identifies Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.1 security goals that support identification, protection against, detection, response, and recovery from ransomware events. This white paper can be used as a guide for risk management of ransomware events. That includes helping to measure an organization’s readiness to combat ransomware threats and to deal with potential consequences.

This Ransomware profile can help organizations and individuals manage the risk of ransomware events. That includes helping to measure an organization’s readiness to combat ransomware threats and to deal with potential consequences. The profile can also be used to identify cybersecurity development opportunities to help prevent ransomware. Map security targets range from the Cybersecurity Critical Infrastructure Development Framework, Version 1.1 (also known as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework) to security capabilities and measures that help identify, protect against, detect, respond to, and recover from ransomware incidents.

Ransomware Challenges

Ransomware is a type of malicious program that encrypts corporate data and demands payment as a condition of restoring access to that data. Ransomware can also be used to steal information about an organization and to demand additional compensation so as not to disclose information to authorities, competitors, or the public. Ransomware attacks target data on an organization or important infrastructure, disrupting or stopping operations and causing problems for managers: pay the ransom and hope the attackers keep their word about restoring access to and disclosing data, or not paying a ransom and trying to recover. works themselves. The methods used by ransomware to gain access to information and organizational programs are common in cyberattacks, but they are intended to force the ransom to be paid. The tactics used to announce ransomware will continue to change as attackers constantly seek new ways to oppress their victims.

Ransomware attacks are different from other cybersecurity cases where access may be obtained confidentially from information such as intellectual property, credit card data, or personal information that is personally identifiable and subsequently released to monetization. Instead, ransomware threatens the immediate impact on business performance. During a ransomware event, organizations may be given less time to minimize or adjust the impact, restore programs, or communicate with needed business, partners, and social media channels. For this reason, it is very important for organizations to be prepared. That includes educating online system users, response groups, and business decision makers about the importance – and processes and procedures – of preventing and handling potential compromises before they occur.

Fortunately, organizations can follow the recommended steps to prepare for and reduce the potential for effective ransomware attacks. These include the following: identifying and protecting important data, systems, and devices; see ransomware events as soon as possible (preferably before ransomware is used); and prepare for response and recovery from any ransomware incidents that occur. There are many resources available to assist organizations in these efforts. It includes information from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Safety features and measures – provided by this profile support a detailed way to prevent and reduce ransomware events. Recognizing that performing all of these tasks may be beyond the reach of others, the text box below lists the basic steps an organization can take to protect itself from the threat of ransomware. Not all of these measures will work in the case of all organizations. The guide in this report addresses processes that go beyond a set of legal or regulatory requirements.

Basic Tips

Even without doing all the steps outlined in this Ransomware profile, there are some basic steps that an organization can take to protect and retrieve the ransomware threat. These include:

  • Educate staff on how to avoid ransomware infections.
    • Do not open files or click links from anonymous sources unless you first scan the anti-virus program or browse the links carefully.
    • Avoid using personal websites and personal apps – such as email, chat, and social media – from work to computers.
    • Do not connect personal devices to operating networks without prior authorization.
  • Avoid being compromised by potential ransomware systems.
    • Keep the appropriate systems with full episodes. Perform a systematic check to see the available pegs and install them as soon as possible.
    • Apply zero trust principles across all network systems. Manage access to all network functions and disconnect the internal networks where they operate to prevent malicious software from escalating into targeted systems.
    • Allow only installation and implementation of authorized applications. Configure operating systems and / or third-party software to use only authorized applications. This may also be based on accepting the policy for review, and then adding or removing authorized applications from the approved list.
    • Inform your technology vendors of your expectations (e.g., in contract language) that they will use measures to disable ransomware attacks.
  • Quickly detect and stop ransomware attacks and infections.
    • Always use malware detection software such as anti-virus software. Set to automatically scan emails and flash drives.
    • Continue to monitor directory resources (as well as other major user stores) for hotspots or active attacks.
    • Block access to trusted web services. Use products or services that block access to server names, IP addresses, or holes and protocols that are known to be malicious or suspected to be malicious system activity. This includes the use of products and services that provide security for the domain part of the address (e.g.,
  • Make it harder for ransomware to spread.
    • Use standard user accounts with multi-factor authentication against authoritative accounts whenever possible.
    • Introduce the verification delay or configure automatic account closure as a protection against default password guessing attempts.
    • Provide and manage the authentication authorization of all business assets and software, and periodically ensure that each account has the necessary access only in accordance with the principle of minimum rights.
    • Save data in a non-convertible format (so that the site does not automatically delete old data when new data is made available).
    • Allow external access to internal network services via a secure private network (VPN) connection.
  • Make it easy to retrieve stored information from a future ransomware event.
    • Make an event recovery plan. Create, implement, and frequently use the event recovery program with defined roles and decision-making strategies. This may be part of the application process. The plan should identify the main purpose and other critical business resources in order to enable prioritization, as well as business continuity plans for those essential services.
    • Make a backup copy of backups, secure backups, and restore checks. Carefully plan, use, and evaluate a backup copy of data and recovery strategy — and protect and separate important data backups.
    • Save your contacts. Keep up-to-date lists of internal and external ransomware attacks, including law enforcement, legal counsel, and incident response services.


The Ransomware profile is intended for any organization with online resources that may be subject to ransomware attacks, regardless of category or size. Any organization – including small to medium enterprises (SMBs), small government institutions and other small organizations, and operators of enterprise management systems (ICS) or operational technology (OT) – can use this guide and be encouraged to consider reviewing the Cybersecurity Framework. .

Many of these measures can be taken without the use of large resources. A special amount can be obtained by organizations:

  • are familiar with – and may already have adopted – the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to help identify, diagnose, and manage cybersecurity risks and seek to improve their vulnerability by dealing with ransomware concerns, or
  • are unfamiliar with the Cybersecurity Framework but want to use risk management frameworks to meet ransomware threats.

The Ransomware Profile

The Ransomware profile aligns organizational requirements to prevent and reduce ransomware, objectives, risk-taking, and resources of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. It should help organizations identify and prioritize opportunities to improve their security and resilience to ransomware attacks. Organizations can use this document as a guide to profile their status. Doing so will help them determine their current “profile” or status and set up a “target profile” to see posts.

The five functions of the Cybersecurity Framework used to classify categories are:

  • Identify – Build organizational awareness to manage cybersecurity threats to systems, people, assets, data, and power. Tasks in the Identification Task are fundamental to the effective use of the Framework. Understanding the business context, resources that support critical operations, and cybersecurity-related risks enables an organization to focus and prioritize its efforts, in line with its risk management strategies and business needs.
  • Protect – Develop and implement appropriate protections to ensure the delivery of essential services. Protect Function supports the ability to limit or contain the impact of a potential cybersecurity incident.
  • Find – Develop and use appropriate functions to identify the occurrence of a cybersecurity event. Detect Function enables timely detection of cybersecurity events.
  • Reply – Develop and implement appropriate actions regarding the incident of cyber security. Responsibility function supports the ability to contain the impact of a potential online security incident.
  • Recovery – Develop and implement appropriate activities to maintain robust systems and restore any skills or services damaged because of an online security incident. Recovery Work supports timely recovery from routine operations to minimize the impact from the cybersecurity incident.

Kanoo Elite, with our years of experience in Cyber ​​Security is the only solution to getting ransomware work before it does widespread damage, using policy-based surveillance and deceptive technology. We help identify suspicious file access behaviour in real time and help block infected users or ransomware-affected devices. We also provide data that can help security teams investigate and report ransomware activity. In addition, Kanoo Elite protects your organization from server-side ransom attacks, thanks to the industry-leading web firewall (WAF), which can detect and block ransomware.

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