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People-Centric Digital Transformation of Business: Why You Need It and How to Do It?

Digital transformation for business is one of the most topical and significant issues of recent times. It is true that organizations are finding it difficult to survive in the competitive business landscape without going through digitization. Digital transformation for business also helps organizations to engage in innovation. Thus, they can remain relevant in the competition and generate revenues. 

Almost Untouched Aspect of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation for business brings with it challenges of its own. From the initial days of its inception, digital transformation has been considered in a couple of major aspects – technological and organizational. There’s no doubt that digital transformation brings about a complete overhaul of both the way in which an organization uses technology as well as the processes it follows. However, there’s one aspect that has mostly been overlooked when it comes to the process of digital transformation for business. It’s the human aspect of the procedure. And when it comes to focusing on human during digitization, organizations need to remember every stakeholder. These include the customers as well as the employees of the company.

Digital Transformation Focused toward People

Human-centric digital transformation plays a major role in ensuring that the businesses can remain connected with their customers. Besides, it also ensures that business owners have the required information about the customers to shape their business according to the requirements of the end users.

Digital transformation helps entrepreneurs to have access to a large amount of customer data. The data can be used to find out the customer’s requirements and deliver the products and services of the business accordingly.

Prerequisites for a Human-Focused Digital Transformation

Digital transformation can be of many types. But the question is, which one are you planning to embrace.

Are you going to focus only on the business profits and forget about the stakeholders while going for digital transformation for business?

Remember, digitization process of any business must be customer centric. Only then you can ensure that you reap maximum benefits from the changes that you’re bringing in – to the processes and to your products and services. However, this is not an easy task and is not going to happen overnight. You need to create the right culture across the organization to ensure that the digital transformation is focused on the customers, employees, and the stakeholders. For this your organization must have a few things in place.

To make a human-centric digital transformation happen, it is important for you to have:

  • The right strategies: The strategies must be focused on helping the organization create the best user experience for the customers.
  • The correct business model: The business model that focuses on the customers’ needs must be followed. The business model that the organization follows can even be customized to some extent to ensure that the customers have the best experience.
  • Trained employees: Until and unless the employees understand the importance of customer-centric approach toward digitization, it is not going to happen. To achieve this, the employees must be trained and given a clear view of the company’s objective.

Steps Toward a Human-Centric Digital Transformation for Business

How are you planning to take the steps to ensure that the digital transformation for your business is human-centric?

Here are a few things that you can do to ensure that you do not leave out the people for whom the business exists and matters while you’re going for digitization.

Explain the Objective of Going Toward Digitization

You might have a clear idea why your business requires a digital transformation.

But do your employees know why you’re taking your business toward digitization?

You might feel that you don’t need to explain it to them. However, explaining things always help to clear any doubt. And remember, it is important for them to understand the objective behind digitization if you want them to work with you toward achieving it. Therefore, you must share the objectives and the benefits of digital transformation for your business.

Make Employees Aware of the Tools and Processes

There are a set of tools and processes that are generally used for digital transformation for business. Some of these tools and processes include the following.

If the employees are aware of and have training in the tools that they need to use after the digital transformation for business, it is going to make their lives easier.

Bridge the Digital Skills Gap

It’s never an easy task for any person to shift from a non-digital world to a digitized environment. Therefore, your employees are going to find it really difficult to work in the digitally transformed business environment. If you want them to be really productive, it’s essential for you to bridge their digital skills gap. For this, you can organize regular trainings for the employees. Remember, if you don’t invest in learning and people, your effort for transforming your business digitally is going to fail.

After you’ve created the perfect space for the employees to learn new things, you have to focus on building a self-learning environment in your organization. It is going to help the employees learn new things on a regular basis, which, in turn, is going to come in handy for them to adapt to the new working environment.

Encourage Experimenting and Collaboration

In a traditional working environment, you might not allow your employees to experiment with the regular work. However, if your business is moving from the traditional environment to the digitized world, you must allow the employees to experiment.

Remember, the digital transformation is going to bring the employees to a new environment, out of their comfort zones. Experimenting in the new environment can be comforting for them. Besides, encourage online and offline collaboration between the employees as well to help them form a team.

Customer at the Center

When you’re planning to make the digital transformation procedure human-centric, you need not focus only on internal stakeholders and employees. Remember, customers must also be considered if you’re planning to make the digital transformation for business human centric. To achieve success, every organization needs to focus on a customer-centric approach. Processes are also likely to reap the desired results if the organizations take into account the requirements of the customers before going for digitization. At the end of the day, most of the business, which offer excellent customer experience, are expected to perform well.


At present, it is important and imperative for any organization to go for digital transformation for business. However, changing only the processes and tools are not going to make sense, if the changes are not focused on people. And if you’re looking to make the business successful, it is important to make the business as much people-centric as possible — where the word ‘people’ refers to your employees, stakeholders as well as the customers.

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