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Security Metrics Overview

Indeed, for an accurate assessment of network security and to provide adequate Cyber ​​Situational Awareness (CSA), simple but meaningful metrics – the focus of this guide – Safety Metrics are required. The saying, “immeasurable cannot be successfully controlled,” applies here. In addition to good metrics and compatible testing methods, security analysts and network operators can accurately assess and evaluate the security status of their networks and the effectiveness of their operations. This white paper examines two different issues: (I) how to define and use metrics as plural elements to represent a network security situation, and (II) how to define and use metrics to measure CSA from a protector perspective.

To provide an adequate CSA and ensure purposeful achievement in business network environments, security analysts need to continuously monitor network performance and user activities, quickly identify suspicious behaviours, and detect malicious activities, and minimize potential impacts on the Internet in a timely manner. However, many existing securities analyses tools focus on detecting attacks. The sheer number of security-related data makes these methods not only work harder, but also more prone to make mistakes while giving users a “bigger picture” of their entire online situation. Security analysts need sophisticated and systematic methods to largely analyse network vulnerabilities, predict attack risk and potential impacts, evaluate appropriate actions to minimize business damage, and ensure job success in a hostile environment. As a natural necessity, defence metrics are very important to the CSA, integrated network protection, and policy verification analysis. They can provide a better understanding of the adequacy of safety controls and help security analysts successfully identify what key assets they can focus on their limited resources to ensure objective achievement.

In CSA and policy verification analysis, security metrics need to guide not only computer and network security management industry standards, but also organizational and business objectives as a whole in business environments. This guide discusses how to identify, explain, and effectively use simple but effective metrics for complete network security and goal-oriented analysis. With a focus on corporate networks, we will explore security tools and metrics that are improved, or need to be improved, to provide security analysts and purposes analysts with the skills needed to better understand the Internet environment and the security situation of their network. For example, are there any risks to the system? Is there an (ongoing) attack on the network? What (system / system / service) has been compromised? How can the risk (potential) be measured? What is the most likely outcome? Can we stop it? How much (storage / connection / work) will you lose because of the attack? Is the whole (or most) of the purpose / work / activity still accomplished? Well-defined metrics can help users answer these questions quickly and quantitatively. Users can then focus on a high-quality look at cyberbullying, make informed decisions to choose the best course of action, effectively reduce potential threats, and ensure the success of technology even in hostile environments.

Security Metrics for Cyber Situational Awareness

What is a Security Metric?

As described by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), metric tools are designed to assist in decision-making and improve performance and accountability through the collection, analysis, and reporting of performance-related data. Defensive metrics can naturally be interpreted as a standard (or system) used to maximize the security status of an organization. Security metrics are essential for the complete network security and management of the CSA. Without good metrics, analysts are unable to answer many questions related to securities.

Some examples of such questions include “Is our network safer today than in the past?” or “Have network configuration changes improved our security?” The purpose of protective metrics is to ensure business continuity (or achievement of purpose) and to minimize business damage by preventing or minimizing the potential impact of online incidents. To achieve this goal, organizations need to consider the full extent of information security and provide participants with detailed information about their network security management and risk treatment procedures.

Security Metrics for CSA

We cannot effectively manage or improve the CSA if we cannot measure it accurately. Traditional methods of network security management focus on the level of knowledge and treat all parts of the network equally. Although important, these methods do not have reasonable metrics and risk assessment metrics when used in the full CSA and policy verification analysis. Clearly, they cannot quantify or determine the direct effects of safety events on achieving key objectives. In the event of an attack, it is difficult for current solutions to answer security questions related to security assurances such as: “Is there an impact on mission X if host A was in danger?”, “Can part of mission X be achieved?”, “What is the average completion rate for -mission X now? ”, or“ What can we do to ensure the success of mission X?”

To answer these questions, advanced defence and mapping metrics, modelling, and testing technologies are required. The books contain several recently proposed metrics for information and network security measures, such as the number of accidents or internet incidents found on the network, the response time to a security incident, etc. While these metrics can assess network security from specific factors, they cannot provide adequate network risk assessments, attack risk predictions and forecasts, mitigation of objective impact, and quantitative awareness, in terms of goal verification. We argue that in order to ensure the survival of purpose in a hostile environment, security metrics must be adjusted and adjusted to suit a particular organization or situation. In other words, good metrics should have a purpose for specific organizational goals and key performance indicators. Security analysts not only review existing metrics, but also need to ensure that they comply with certain organizational and business principles.

How to Measure and Model Network Security

In order to determine the standard level of security of the analysed network, the same procedure needs to be performed: First, security experts identify what to measure. Then they organized the variables involved in a controlled and logical way. Thereafter, repetitive formulas should be designed to reflect the safety summary profile and how it changes over time. In terms of network and / or system security measurements, most existing methods are based on risk analysis, in which security risks are identified as the function of threats, risks, and potential impacts (or expected losses).

Risk = ?ℎ?eat × Vulnerability x Impact

While they may not completely solve all problems, these basic elements still provide security analysts with a better understanding and understanding to develop sound metrics and effective solutions to measure common network security. Some of the helpful things are listed below:

  • Asset Valuation: Based on the values ​​of the various assets (e.g., computer hardware, software, and data), businesses can focus on their actual security needs and allocate sufficient resources. As businesses generally place prices on their information assets, the value of an asset can be defined as the amount of IT being used over time (e.g., performance and maintenance) and depreciation or depreciation of assets (hardware and software). To calculate the value of an asset, fair values ​​need to be assigned to each asset for objective and comparative assessment.
  • Potential Loss Calculation: The value of the asset is connected, but not directly tied to the loss. We need to consider the type of consensus when assessing potential losses. In general, there are five different types of compromises: breach of privacy, breach of integrity, breach of integrity, breach of product, and breach of legal obligation. Note that an asset may not be the only item that can be lost. Other potential losses, such as incident costs should be considered carefully.
  • Security Usage Measures: Although measuring the safety of the entire business is difficult, it is important in security management. Security applications are often separated between business units and different departments, as well as linked to network use and infrastructure. Assessing the use of security and segregation of other budget items is a daunting task.
  • Attack Risk Analysis: Defining and modelling business risk is another difficult but important task. We list three common types of risks: manifest risk (a measure of malicious events and complete events), natural risk (the possibility that the system configuration will contribute to the corruption), and the risk (practical measure of system errors or errors made during operations).

None of the above features are designed to answer questions that are directly related to defence metrics and ratings, but the methods described here give us a basis for collecting useful data and applying it to our specific goals and expectations. Based on this basic information, researchers can continue to define more accurate and complete defence metrics, assign appropriate values ​​to their security formulas, and develop virtual reality testing models to quantify and measure the security status of their computer network and systems.

We have the tools, training, and support you need to securely process and manage sensitive data. From payment card data to PII and health care records our smart tools, and a complete, participatory approach keeps you safe and compliant. Kanoo Elite and its years of experience with Security Metrics, from initial interviews, to planning, to implementation are the best, most detailed, and final guide to implementing your Security guidelines in the shortest possible time. Our Security Metrics team is working diligently and respectfully throughout the process – working beyond expectations to ensure its goals.

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