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Top 20 Misconceptions About Digital Transformation: Debunking Common Myths

Digital transformation has become a buzzword in today’s fast-paced business landscape. However, amidst the hype, there are several misconceptions that can hinder organizations from fully embracing this transformative journey.  Let’s debunk the top 20 misconceptions about digital transformation and shed light on the truth behind them. By understanding and dispelling these myths, businesses can make …

Top 20 Misconceptions About Digital Transformation: Debunking Common Myths Read More »

Protecting Sensitive Data in Office 365

Protecting Sensitive Data in Office 365 Using Microsoft Native Controls

We are amid a global shift from purely on-premises information technology infrastructure to hybrid environments. Many enterprises are moving pieces of their corporate email and file sharing infrastructure to the cloud where Microsoft Office 365 is the clear market leader. Using Office 365 alongside on-premises data stores introduces data security and governance challenges that must …

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Enterprise Security Awareness Program Banner

Building an Enterprise Security Awareness Program: Top 5 Steps to Follow

“By 2023, organizations that implement specific and measurable security awareness programs will experience 75% fewer account takeover attacks than organizations that don’t” – Gartner  Since time immemorial, businesses have been facing threats of various types. Earlier, when stores were mostly physical, threats came in the forms of thefts and burglary. With the advent of digitization, …

Building an Enterprise Security Awareness Program: Top 5 Steps to Follow Read More »

The State of Public Cloud Adoption in the Middle East Entering 2017

]Thinking about upgrading your Cybersecurity with various advanced security products? You may want to think about doing risk assessments first. For several years now, many companies have heard about—and been afraid of—security threats posed by hackers. The recent news reports are full of these accounts. Russians hacked the US presidential election. More than 270 million …

The State of Public Cloud Adoption in the Middle East Entering 2017 Read More »

Small Business: Why should I automate my business?

If you’ve shopped online, you know how E-commerce makes life extremely easy and simple for the time-constrained and rushed shoppers of today. Your necessities don’t end just because you don’t have time to shop. Be it groceries or clothes, or other essential items of daily need, you’ll find E-commerce increasingly taking over our lives. This …

Small Business: Why should I automate my business? Read More »

Why Hyper Convergence?

Meta description: Here’s a comprehensive look at the benefits of hyper convergence for data center systems and enterprise IT. For enterprise IT and modern data center systems, the old ways of doing things aren’t going to cut it anymore. These outmoded systems (called “legacy systems” for the sake of politeness) can turn out to be …

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When Will Your IT Department Automate Themselves?

Automation has historically been one of the most cost-effective ways of doing business. You see it in factories, where automated manufacturing systems produce products quickly and flawlessly. In banking, ATM has become the de facto way of conveniently withdrawing cash for customers, and it’s convenient for the bank tellers too. So it’s not hard to …

When Will Your IT Department Automate Themselves? Read More »

Small Business Owner Technology Guide: What Kind of a Firewall Should I Buy?

For a small business owner, a firewall is not a luxury but a necessity. As one of the basic tools of cybersecurity, firewalls protect your computer systems and networks from malware and hacking, thus providing security to your precious sensitive data, and saving your business from financial and reputation loss. But it’s not enough just …

Small Business Owner Technology Guide: What Kind of a Firewall Should I Buy? Read More »

What is expected of a CIO in tough economic conditions?

During an economic downturn, typically CIOs are expected to cut costs in order to reduce the overall costs of the business. Seldom are they asked if they can help reduce the overall costs of the business through automation, optimization and new business models that would otherwise be impossible to achieve without technology. CIOs must ensure …

What is expected of a CIO in tough economic conditions? Read More »

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